D.I.V.E Diversity Certificate

D.I.V.E (Difference. Inclusion. Value. Each other.) is a certificate program offered to students through the Office of Diversity Initiatives (ODI). The certificate acknowledges a commitment to enhancing multiculturalism, diversity & inclusion, and social justice awareness on the Wilkes campus and throughout the community. The certificate is awarded in the Spring semester.

How long does the certificate take?

There are different levels of the certificate that can take as few as one semester or up to four years of participation.

What is Global Coffee Hour?

Take a break and enjoy coffee or tea, cookies, games and conversations with people from around the world.

Global Coffee Hour take place very Wednesday during the semester from 2-4 p.m. in the Savitz Multicultural Lounge on the second floor of the Henry Student Center.

What is Adulting 101?

Adulting 101 is a series of workshops for students to learn about life skills while in college and tools they can use in the future.

Topics include social media etiquette, resume building, leadership conference, Credit 101 and other life skills.

D.I.V.E Certification Levels


  • 5 Diversity Programs
  • 3 Global Coffee Hour Events
  • 10 Hours of Civic Engagement
  • 2 Adulting 101 workshops


  • 15 Diversity Programs
  • 8 Global Coffee Hours Events
  • 20 Hours of Civic Engagement
  • 5 Adulting 101 workshops


  • 15 Diversity Programs
  • 12 Global Coffee Hours Events
  • 30 Hours of Civic Engagement
  • Study abroad (1-6 weeks/LEAP-Alternative Spring Break/Faculty-Led)
  • 8 Adulting 101 workshops


  • 30 Diversity Programs
  • 20 Global Coffee Hour Events
  • 50 hours of Civic Engagement
  • Study Abroad (semester/year)
  • 12 Adulting 101 workshops

Contact Information

Contact the Office of Diversity Initiatives to start recording your progress towards the certificate.

Erica Acosta
Director of Diversity Initiatives